
Ashlee's New Hair

Ashlee Simpson's new auburn hair bugs me. I cannot stand people with red hair that is not naturally red, no matter how natural it looks. If I know that red is not your real color, I'll hate it. Don't get me wrong, it's a very pretty color, but I just don't think you have the right to fake it when only 2% of people are naturally born redheads. It's just a weird thing I have... Ashlee is one gorgeous girl and I definatly think she should stick to the blonde. What do you think?


Remy Rae Lane said...

yeah, you look like you have much more infomation but we could totally help eachother! that would be fab!
p.s. i love her new hair, its wonderful!

Remy Rae Lane said...

OH My goodness, that is such a wonderful idea! Haha. I already have a question, you know when you look at your blog on the right hand side it shows "other blogs" well how did you get that? I'm kind of confused. That would be lovely if you helped.

I like her new hair, its really pretty!